Online Private Gallery

-Access to your digital images online-

Booking: You can either book a session/consult online, or submit an inquiry form.

Session Location: Alaska weather varies drastically! Sometimes the session location is picked weeks before or sometimes it's the day before. Flexibility is key.

Session Date: We'll have a fun, relaxed time, and capture memories. There will be some posed and lots of candid shots. Pets are always welcome to join!

Post-Session: Within 3 business days, you'll see your sneak peek online! Within 3 weeks, you'll receive your prelim edits online and can choose your favorites for final editing.

Gallery Delivery: After you choose your favorites, your final edits will be done and delivered in a specified time (varies on session type and quantity) in your own private online gallery.

Why Online Private Gallery?

You'll be able to download the images directly to your computer and/or phone. You'll also be able to order prints/canvas/invites directly from your online gallery.